Eric, a journalist, meets a prisoner named Moritz. With his assistance Eric gains access to the criminal world and unleashes unexpected events. Bored by his usual work, Erik researches the criminal world on his own. During his research he meets Moritz in prison. Moritz becomes Erik's ticket into drug lord Milan's gang. But Moritz ignores all journalistic standards. Erik's best friend Celine gets wind of this and tries to change his mind. While his informant Moritz gets more and more involved in crimes that are supposed to help the rise of gang boss Milan, a discussion develops between Eric and Celine about work ethics, rash actions, and the insatiable desire for quick success.
Crime, Independent
1h 4min
16 FSK
In a small German town, local journalist Eric investigates the drug scene on his own initiative and at great personal risk.
Eric, a journalist, meets a prisoner named Moritz. With his assistance Eric gains access to the criminal world and unleashes unexpected events.
Bored by his usual work, Erik researches the criminal world on his own. During his research he meets Moritz in prison. Moritz becomes Erik's ticket into drug lord Milan's gang.
But Moritz ignores all journalistic standards. Erik's best friend Celine gets wind of this and tries to change his mind.
While his informant Moritz gets more and more involved in crimes that are supposed to help the rise of gang boss Milan, a discussion develops between Eric and Celine about work ethics, rash actions, and the insatiable desire for quick success.