Pulled up and down by the easy and hard days, she needs to find balance. Matisse Gonzalez has created a very personal animated film about how art and imagination can protect against sadness. Her "visual language is formally reduced in part to sign-like quality, and very limberly and precisely describes both emotional overtones and the force of life." (dok-leipzig.de) "Not only because of the poetic text GRAVEDAD is a cinematic poem of beguiling beauty." (fbw-filmbewertung.com)
Court métrage
In a world where gravity is constantly changing, Rosa must find something to keep her grounded.
Pulled up and down by the easy and hard days, she needs to find balance.
Matisse Gonzalez has created a very personal animated film about how art and imagination can protect against sadness.
Her "visual language is formally reduced in part to sign-like quality, and very limberly and precisely describes both emotional overtones and the force of life." (dok-leipzig.de)
"Not only because of the poetic text GRAVEDAD is a cinematic poem of beguiling beauty." (fbw-filmbewertung.com)