Over a period of eighteen months the film follows the basic traits of a local religious practice, kindred in spirit to the many variations of the great inner-Asian tradition of shamanism characteristic for the Siberian part of Northern Asia and the entire Himalayan region. Part I pursues the various types of healing rituals enacted by the shamans of the northern Magar of the Dhaulagiri region (in North West Nepal) for the benefit of their clients. Part II of the film is focused mainly on the transmission of shamanic knowledge from master to pupil. This is a long process of increasing intensity.
Documentaire, Classiques
2h 4min
12 FSK
Shamans of the Blind Country is an epic 2-part documentary on faith healing in a remote region of North West Nepal.
Over a period of eighteen months the film follows the basic traits of a local religious practice, kindred in spirit to the many variations of the great inner-Asian tradition of shamanism characteristic for the Siberian part of Northern Asia and the entire Himalayan region.
Part I pursues the various types of healing rituals enacted by the shamans of the northern Magar of the Dhaulagiri region (in North West Nepal) for the benefit of their clients.
Part II of the film is focused mainly on the transmission of shamanic knowledge from master to pupil. This is a long process of increasing intensity.