Thomas Brasch (1945-2001), was a charismatic and aggressive artist, he loved conflicts. The documentary offers a unique insight into the fascinating life of an obsessed writer. BRASCH was a passionate, charismatic and aggressive artist, conflict was his life. His play, like "Lovely Rita", shaped the literature of both East and West Germany. The documentary offers a unique insight into the fascinating life of an obsessed writer.
Biopic, Documentaire
1h 33min
12 FSK
Thomas Brasch (1945-2001), was a charismatic and aggressive artist, he loved conflicts. The documentary offers a unique insight into the fascinating life of an obsessed writer.
BRASCH was a passionate, charismatic and aggressive artist, conflict was his life. His play, like "Lovely Rita", shaped the literature of both East and West Germany. The documentary offers a unique insight into the fascinating life of an obsessed writer.