Sylvie is a single mother living a modest but loving life with her two children, Sofiane and Jean-Jacques. Her daily routine is shattered by a tragic incident when Sofiane is hospitalized after an accident. The authorities question Sylvie's ability to care for her children, and the youth welfare office intervenes. From that moment on, her life spirals into a downward spiral of despair and resistance as she fights with all her might to reunite her family. But in a world where social justice and bureaucracy collide, the path back to her son seems out of reach. With unwavering sensitivity, Delphine Deloget captures the struggles of a mother whose love knows no bounds. The film, which was presented in the “Un Certain Regard” section at the 2023 Cannes International Film Festival, is not only a gripping drama but also a poignant reflection on social inequalities and the resilience of people in difficult times. With a powerful performance from Virginie Efira as Sylvie, the film poignantly shows how closely hope and despair are intertwined. ALL TO PLAY FOR (fr. RIEN À PERDRE) is a touching and at the same time powerful appeal for humanity and compassion – a work that will resonate for a long time.
1h 52min
A gripping drama about the struggles of a mother whose love knows no bounds, against a flagrant injustice.
Sylvie is a single mother living a modest but loving life with her two children, Sofiane and Jean-Jacques. Her daily routine is shattered by a tragic incident when Sofiane is hospitalized after an accident. The authorities question Sylvie's ability to care for her children, and the youth welfare office intervenes. From that moment on, her life spirals into a downward spiral of despair and resistance as she fights with all her might to reunite her family. But in a world where social justice and bureaucracy collide, the path back to her son seems out of reach.
With unwavering sensitivity, Delphine Deloget captures the struggles of a mother whose love knows no bounds. The film, which was presented in the “Un Certain Regard” section at the 2023 Cannes International Film Festival, is not only a gripping drama but also a poignant reflection on social inequalities and the resilience of people in difficult times.
With a powerful performance from Virginie Efira as Sylvie, the film poignantly shows how closely hope and despair are intertwined. ALL TO PLAY FOR (fr. RIEN À PERDRE) is a touching and at the same time powerful appeal for humanity and compassion – a work that will resonate for a long time.