In the silence of the night, a world unfolds that remains hidden from most of us. The documentary takes a poetic look at the lives of three Berlin night workers who play their own melody of life in the darkness. While the city sleeps, their working day begins, far removed from the usual hustle and bustle of daylight. The camera accompanies the protagonists through the empty streets of Berlin, capturing the lonely lights and the silence, interrupted only by the occasional sounds of work. Each of these night workers has created their own rhythm, a routine that helps them navigate the shadows of the city and fulfill their tasks. The film shows not only the physical, but also the emotional and philosophical journey of these people who leave their mark at night. Shot on traditional 16mm film and edited on a Steenbeck editing table, the film offers a rare, almost forgotten aesthetic that draws viewers deep into the nocturnal experience.
Documentary, Shorts
What does the night do to people? A documentary with a poetic look at three Berlin night workers and their very own rhythm.
In the silence of the night, a world unfolds that remains hidden from most of us. The documentary takes a poetic look at the lives of three Berlin night workers who play their own melody of life in the darkness. While the city sleeps, their working day begins, far removed from the usual hustle and bustle of daylight.
The camera accompanies the protagonists through the empty streets of Berlin, capturing the lonely lights and the silence, interrupted only by the occasional sounds of work. Each of these night workers has created their own rhythm, a routine that helps them navigate the shadows of the city and fulfill their tasks. The film shows not only the physical, but also the emotional and philosophical journey of these people who leave their mark at night.
Shot on traditional 16mm film and edited on a Steenbeck editing table, the film offers a rare, almost forgotten aesthetic that draws viewers deep into the nocturnal experience.