In the beating heart of Tehran, embedded in the lively atmosphere of a university cafeteria, a fascinating story unfolds from the everyday life of three chefs and a kitchen hand. They face the daily challenges of serving 600 kebabs, soups gone awry, and the critical remarks of students. But between the hustle and bustle of the market and the seething chaos of the kitchen, they find time to philosophize about the essence of cooking and the bigger questions in life. The cafeteria becomes a place of small triumphs and human moments, where wit and irony break through the daily grind. While they sing together and the steam rises from the large rice pots, everyone reflects in their own way on what makes life in this microcosm so unique. This documentary, which won the award for best documentary film at Interfilm Berlin and the Flensburg Short Film Festival's advancement award, paints a loving portrait of humanity in the midst of routine. Without taking an obvious stand, the film lets the protagonists speak for themselves in their environment, thereby providing an authentic insight into their world. A place where philosophizing over a meal is just as important as the meal itself.
Documentary, Shorts
Between oversalted soup and grumbling students, three chefs and a kitchen hand toil in the small university cafeteria in Tehran.
In the beating heart of Tehran, embedded in the lively atmosphere of a university cafeteria, a fascinating story unfolds from the everyday life of three chefs and a kitchen hand. They face the daily challenges of serving 600 kebabs, soups gone awry, and the critical remarks of students. But between the hustle and bustle of the market and the seething chaos of the kitchen, they find time to philosophize about the essence of cooking and the bigger questions in life.
The cafeteria becomes a place of small triumphs and human moments, where wit and irony break through the daily grind. While they sing together and the steam rises from the large rice pots, everyone reflects in their own way on what makes life in this microcosm so unique.
This documentary, which won the award for best documentary film at Interfilm Berlin and the Flensburg Short Film Festival's advancement award, paints a loving portrait of humanity in the midst of routine. Without taking an obvious stand, the film lets the protagonists speak for themselves in their environment, thereby providing an authentic insight into their world. A place where philosophizing over a meal is just as important as the meal itself.