In a humorous and introspective story, Birgit Möller takes us into the complex mind of Franky, a young woman who is plunged into charming chaos by the voices in her head. This award-winning comedy, which won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury for Best Film at the Max Ophüls Festival 2023, combines reality and fiction in a refreshingly new way. Franky, played by Lena Urzendowsky, leads a seemingly normal life in a shared flat and works in a beverage store. However, her existence takes an extraordinary turn when she finds herself in situations that take her to the depths of her own mind. In her imagination, there is an old hotel inhabited by four striking personalities: a playful child, a seductive chambermaid, a harmony-loving bellhop and a strict hotel manager. These characters are manifestations of her inner conflicts and desires and keep intruding on her real life. The inner and outer chaos in Franky's life reaches a climax when her best friend's new boyfriend enters her life. This unexpected visitor not only confuses her emotional world, but also the order in the “hotel”, which only exists in her head. While the real world around her continues to demand that she function and perform everyday tasks, she struggles internally with love, friendship and the question of her true identity. FRANKY FIVE STAR skillfully plays with the idea of multiple personalities, which have more than just metaphorical meanings for the protagonist. Each character brings with them their own challenges and desires, which Franky tries to balance in her everyday life.
1h 55min
12 FSK
When it all gets too much, Franky checks into a hotel that only exists in her head and talks to the imaginary staff.
In a humorous and introspective story, Birgit Möller takes us into the complex mind of Franky, a young woman who is plunged into charming chaos by the voices in her head. This award-winning comedy, which won the Prize of the Ecumenical Jury for Best Film at the Max Ophüls Festival 2023, combines reality and fiction in a refreshingly new way.
Franky, played by Lena Urzendowsky, leads a seemingly normal life in a shared flat and works in a beverage store. However, her existence takes an extraordinary turn when she finds herself in situations that take her to the depths of her own mind. In her imagination, there is an old hotel inhabited by four striking personalities: a playful child, a seductive chambermaid, a harmony-loving bellhop and a strict hotel manager. These characters are manifestations of her inner conflicts and desires and keep intruding on her real life.
The inner and outer chaos in Franky's life reaches a climax when her best friend's new boyfriend enters her life. This unexpected visitor not only confuses her emotional world, but also the order in the “hotel”, which only exists in her head. While the real world around her continues to demand that she function and perform everyday tasks, she struggles internally with love, friendship and the question of her true identity.
FRANKY FIVE STAR skillfully plays with the idea of multiple personalities, which have more than just metaphorical meanings for the protagonist. Each character brings with them their own challenges and desires, which Franky tries to balance in her everyday life.