Director Jonas Rothlaender delves into the deep and often unexplored waters of male sexuality and identity in his latest documentary THE STRONG SEX. The film is an urgent examination of the power structures and stereotypes that shape the male psyche in today's society. In a courageous and open discussion, Rothlaender confronts various men with anonymous statements from other men about their sexual boundary experiences and role models. This confrontation serves as a trigger for a profound reflection on personal experiences and views on masculinity. Not only dominance and aggression are addressed, but also the resulting feelings of guilt and how to deal with them. The film, which manages without female perspectives, could be seen as a contemporary continuation of male self-examination. It allows men to express themselves on a very personal level and thus offers a rare insight into their most intimate thoughts and feelings. This approach offers a valuable contribution to the dialog about gender roles and the need for deeper understanding and respect between the sexes. THE STRONG SEX is more than a film - it is a discussion starter that invites viewers to think beyond conventional images of masculinity and recognize the complex reality behind them. An essential work for anyone who wants to explore the dynamic and evolving roles in our modern society.
An eye-opening reflection on male sexuality, its power structures and stereotypes of masculinity in our present day.
Director Jonas Rothlaender delves into the deep and often unexplored waters of male sexuality and identity in his latest documentary THE STRONG SEX. The film is an urgent examination of the power structures and stereotypes that shape the male psyche in today's society.
In a courageous and open discussion, Rothlaender confronts various men with anonymous statements from other men about their sexual boundary experiences and role models. This confrontation serves as a trigger for a profound reflection on personal experiences and views on masculinity. Not only dominance and aggression are addressed, but also the resulting feelings of guilt and how to deal with them.
The film, which manages without female perspectives, could be seen as a contemporary continuation of male self-examination. It allows men to express themselves on a very personal level and thus offers a rare insight into their most intimate thoughts and feelings. This approach offers a valuable contribution to the dialog about gender roles and the need for deeper understanding and respect between the sexes.
THE STRONG SEX is more than a film - it is a discussion starter that invites viewers to think beyond conventional images of masculinity and recognize the complex reality behind them. An essential work for anyone who wants to explore the dynamic and evolving roles in our modern society.