Daphne Charizani's drama, awarded the prestigious Grimme Prize, unfolds the story of Rojda, a Bundeswehr soldier with Kurdish roots, who embarks on a risky search for her sister who has gone missing in Iraq. The plot takes us from Germany to the war-torn regions of Iraq, where Rojda is not only confronted with the horrors of war, but also struggles with her own identity. Her journey is more than a search; it is a profound struggle for family, belonging and self-understanding. Charizani masterfully manages to set her protagonist's inner conflicts against the drastic backdrop of armed conflict, making the film both emotionally moving and thought-provoking. The plot takes us from Germany to the war-torn regions of Iraq, where Rojda is not only confronted with the horrors of war, but also struggles with her own identity. Her journey is more than a search; it is a profound struggle for family, belonging and self-understanding. Charizani masterfully manages to set her protagonist's inner conflicts against the drastic backdrop of armed conflict, making SISTERS APART both emotionally moving and thought-provoking. The film is characterized by its subtle staging, which often emphasizes the silence and the psychological underneath the physical battles. It always remains sensitive and refrains from political appropriation, which lends it a rare authenticity. Critics particularly praise the unpathetic dialog and the strong portrayal by Almila Bagriacik, whose performance impressively embodies the torn nature of her character.
Drama, Action & Aventure
1h 33min
12 FSK
Grimme Award-winning war drama about a German-Kurdish Bundeswehr soldier who gets caught between the fronts in Iraq.
Daphne Charizani's drama, awarded the prestigious Grimme Prize, unfolds the story of Rojda, a Bundeswehr soldier with Kurdish roots, who embarks on a risky search for her sister who has gone missing in Iraq. The plot takes us from Germany to the war-torn regions of Iraq, where Rojda is not only confronted with the horrors of war, but also struggles with her own identity.
Her journey is more than a search; it is a profound struggle for family, belonging and self-understanding. Charizani masterfully manages to set her protagonist's inner conflicts against the drastic backdrop of armed conflict, making the film both emotionally moving and thought-provoking.
The plot takes us from Germany to the war-torn regions of Iraq, where Rojda is not only confronted with the horrors of war, but also struggles with her own identity. Her journey is more than a search; it is a profound struggle for family, belonging and self-understanding. Charizani masterfully manages to set her protagonist's inner conflicts against the drastic backdrop of armed conflict, making SISTERS APART both emotionally moving and thought-provoking.
The film is characterized by its subtle staging, which often emphasizes the silence and the psychological underneath the physical battles. It always remains sensitive and refrains from political appropriation, which lends it a rare authenticity. Critics particularly praise the unpathetic dialog and the strong portrayal by Almila Bagriacik, whose performance impressively embodies the torn nature of her character.