The gripping documentary series KICK IT LIKE A GIRL sheds light on the lives of young female footballers who are defying prejudice and pursuing their dreams in the male-dominated world of soccer. The series portrays girls from the Ruhr region who play for SGS Essen, a club dedicated to promoting female talent. At the center of the narrative are the U15 players, Pauline, Chayenne, Eriona and Liv, who demonstrate their skills and commitment despite frequent discrimination and challenges. The documentary follows their journey during a crucial season in which they could earn a place in higher leagues and potentially be selected for the U15 national team. The series KICK IT LIKE A GIRL impressively shows how these young players grow and develop both on and off the pitch. The film is directed by experienced documentary filmmaker Karin de Miguel Wessendorf. Her approach provides an intimate insight into the personal and sporting challenges faced by the players and sheds light on the importance of women in soccer - a reflection of social dynamics and the progress made in the fight for equality and recognition in sport.
Documentary, Independent
Episode 1
Soccer is a Men's Sport - Pauline, Chayenne, Eriona and Liv, the protagonists of the series, talk about their careers from boys-only teams to SGS Essen.
Episode 2
The Team - Harmony and team spirit are very important to the SGS girls' team. But the four protagonists have also experienced discrimination and even violence.
Episode 3
Courage - In addition to their physical abilities, the four also work on their mental strength, creativity, communication skills and decision-making.