In the sultry haze of a Montreal summer, the Saint-Henri neighborhood becomes the stage for a series of mysterious events that transcend the ordinary. DOG DAYS, an anthology series, dives deep into the lives of its residents during a relentless heatwave, exploring the thin line between mirages and reality. Episode one introduces us to Djamina, who grapples with distinguishing reality from the illusions brought on by the oppressive heat. As the series unfolds, each episode reveals the unique, sometimes supernatural experiences of the Saint-Henri inhabitants, from Hind's seemingly innocuous wish that inexplicably comes true in episode two, to Drew's shocking encounter with money raining down from the sky in episode three. The neighborhood of Saint-Henri, Montreal vividly portrayed as more than just a backdrop but as a living, breathing entity, influences and interacts with its inhabitants. The series paints a contemporary portrait of this historically rich area, acknowledging its past and present cultural tapestry, which now vibrantly includes the contributions of its black community—a notable absence in Gabrielle Roy's classic "The Tin Flute." As the series weaves through the intertwined lives of its characters, it not only explores romantic entanglements and personal transformations but also subtly addresses broader themes such as gentrification and climate change. This modern homage to Saint-Henri and its denizens offers a fresh narrative perspective, highlighting how a community can shape the destinies of those within it, all while they experience extraordinary moments of surrealism amidst their daily struggles and interactions.
Episode 1
Notre-Dame Street West / Green Avenue: In the torpor caused by a never-ending heat wave, Djamina tries to make the difference between her mirages and reality.
Episode 2
St-Ferdinand Street / St-Antoine Street: Pushed to its last entrenchments, Hind makes an innocent wish that becomes reality.
Episode 3
Notre-Dame Street West / Delinelle Street: Drew's fate is turned upside down when money falls from the sky.
Episode 4
St-Philippe Street / Saint-Emilie Street: Caught off guard by her sister's surprise visit, Mei decides to change roles with her for a day.
Episode 5
Sir-Georges-Etienne-Cartier Street / St-Ambroise Street: Through role-playing, Enso and Ali find themselves caught up in their own game.
Episode 6
Notre-Dame Street West / De Courcelle Street: After a heat stroke, Ophélia finds herself transformed - in general indifference.
Episode 7
Green Avenue / Notre-Dame Street West: Florence's routine is turned upside down when ghosts from her past arise.
Episode 8
Guay Place / Agnes Street: Abel tries as best he can to get out of his relationship with Djamina - literally.