Set in the early 1980s, in the heart of the French aviation industry in Toulouse, a story unfolds that places a seemingly innocent aerobics class at the center of an international spy drama. Karine, a 40-year-old housewife and mother, leads an unremarkable life until the arrival of a new American neighbor, Jane, turns everything upside down. Jane, a charismatic aerobics instructor from Texas, not only brings a wave of enthusiasm for fitness and self-development to the small suburban community, but also a secret that goes far beyond the glittering aerobics suits and rhythmic exercises. As Karine and her friends get physically fit in their weekly aerobics classes, a web of intrigue begins to unfold. Jane, whose interest in Project 37 - Karine's husband Didier's secret venture in the aviation industry - becomes increasingly apparent, seems to have more than just fitness on her mind. The series THE AEROBICS PROJECT skillfully balances the line between a heartwarming experience of female emancipation and a gripping espionage thriller. Directed by Julien Patry, known for his dynamic and visually appealing storytelling, and featuring an award-winning musical score by French pop group Feu! Chatterton, the series offers a deep insight into the lives of women on the brink of a technological revolution. THE AEROBICS PROJECT is a series that uses the era of the aerobics craze to tell a story about trust, betrayal and the search for identity, embedded in the vibrant aesthetics of the 80s. Every twist, jump and stretch in Jane's aerobics class adds another layer of mystery that will keep viewers riveted until the very last minute.
Episode 1
Who's That Girl? - Karine, a housewife from Blagnac, is just 40 years old, has a good relationship and a teenager in crisis, when her polar opposite appears on the other side of the street: Jane, an athletic American aerobics instructor.
Episode 2
Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Jane invites Karine and her aerobics classmates to a neighborhood barbecue. Karine, suspicious, is astonished by Jane's interest in this French-speaking gathering of employees from the local aeronautics company.
Episode 3
Alive and Kicking - Violette, the youngest of the group, confides in Jane. In between comforting words, the spy wants to know more about the business travels of her father, an engineer with the aeronautics company.
Episode 4
Owner of a Lonely Heart - Karine is sure: Jane is a spy. She instructs her best friend, Mapi, to search her neighbor's house while she invites Jane over for a drink. But the American has an idea of her own...
Episode 5
Just Can't Get Enough - The aerobics classes are starting to attract new recruits, including Selim, Naima's brother and a security guard for the aeronautics company, who doesn't seem to be immune to Jane's charms...
Episode 6
Take My Breath Away - Karine and her husband Didier are invited to dinner at the home of the boss of the aeronautics company. Selim, seduced by Jane, introduces her to the company's premises during her night shift.
Episode 7
Another One Bites the Dust - Jane follows Didier, thinking he's going on a business trip, but he's been relieved of his files and lies to Karine out of shame. But Jane discovers a vital piece of information with far-reaching consequences...
Episode 8
Don't Give Up - The girls take part in an aerobics competition to help Naima clear her debts. For Jane, it's a way of getting closer to Mapi. At the hotel, Jane runs into a mysterious Russian man whom she has met in the past.
Episode 9
Confidence pour confidence - Karine, now certain that Jane is a spy, fears for her life. But Jane plays a double game, pretending to work for the company that employs Didier. The American asks for her help.
Episode 10
With or Without You - The company's annual gala is an opportunity for Jane and Karine to infiltrate the offices and spot the “mole”. But several plans come together and nothing goes according to plan...