In the treacherous Mediterranean, a heart-wrenching sea rescue operation unfolds, aiming to save 104 lives from a deflating rubber dinghy. Directed by Jonathan Schörnig, this gripping real-time documentary immerses viewers into the depths of a migrant crisis, capturing every step of the rescue with unparalleled detail and intensity from the first person perspective. The film highlights the human struggle and unwavering determination required in the face of adversity. The presence of the Libyan Coast Guard escalates tensions, stranding both rescuers and the rescued in a precarious standoff at sea, with no country willing to offer refuge. A severe storm ultimately forces their passage to safety in a European port, emphasizing the perilous journey many undertake in search of a better life. Schörnig's work vividly portrays the challenges of the world's deadliest migration route, spotlighting the nearly 2,000 lives lost in the first half of 2023 alone. The documentary sheds light on the European Union's harsh border policies, including illegal pushbacks and the criminalization of humanitarian aid, prompting a critical examination of the current refugee crisis. Awarded the Goldene Taube among other accolades for its compelling narrative and humanitarian message, the film serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle faced by migrants and the essential role of compassion and immediate action in addressing this global dilemma.
1h 33min
12 FSK
How agonizingly long can it take to rescue ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR people from an inflatable boat? Find out in this one-shot documentary.
In the treacherous Mediterranean, a heart-wrenching sea rescue operation unfolds, aiming to save 104 lives from a deflating rubber dinghy. Directed by Jonathan Schörnig, this gripping real-time documentary immerses viewers into the depths of a migrant crisis, capturing every step of the rescue with unparalleled detail and intensity from the first person perspective. The film highlights the human struggle and unwavering determination required in the face of adversity.
The presence of the Libyan Coast Guard escalates tensions, stranding both rescuers and the rescued in a precarious standoff at sea, with no country willing to offer refuge. A severe storm ultimately forces their passage to safety in a European port, emphasizing the perilous journey many undertake in search of a better life.
Schörnig's work vividly portrays the challenges of the world's deadliest migration route, spotlighting the nearly 2,000 lives lost in the first half of 2023 alone. The documentary sheds light on the European Union's harsh border policies, including illegal pushbacks and the criminalization of humanitarian aid, prompting a critical examination of the current refugee crisis.
Awarded the Goldene Taube among other accolades for its compelling narrative and humanitarian message, the film serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle faced by migrants and the essential role of compassion and immediate action in addressing this global dilemma.