In an old city hospital, a young nurse begins her first night shift, quickly encountering a strange apparition that unsettles her. Curiosity leads her to an old colleague's tale about Mr. Moore, a patient whose arrival years ago with severe burns marked the beginning of a haunting mystery. Treated urgently but overwhelmed by pain and medication, Mr. Moore's descent into madness culminated in his eerie disappearance, spawning rumors that the devil himself had spirited him away. This chilling narrative forms the backdrop to THE DEVIL'S TAIL, an anthology of five additional stories whispered among the hospital's corridors: "Reformed," "What Metal Girls are into," "Cerdita," "The Boogeywoman," and "Supine," directed by Nicole Goode. Helmed by a cohort of six women directors, including Taz Pereyra and Carlota Martínez Pereda, this Argentinian-New Zealand horror anthology distinguishes itself with tales penned by Mauro Croche and Pereyra. The film assembles a cast such as Florencia Antonucci and Bruno Giacobbe, diving into themes of insanity, supernatural occurrences, and the lingering echoes of the past. Notable for its innovative approach and its directors' unique visions, "The Devil's Tail" has garnered attention for both its haunting narratives and its representation of diverse, female perspectives in the horror genre. Through its interwoven stories, the film explores the fine line between reality and the macabre, leaving audiences riveted by its exploration of human endurance, the supernatural, and the unfathomable depths of madness. Its critical reception underscores the film's contribution to horror, celebrating its fresh take on age-old fears through a distinctly female lens, making it a standout addition to the genre's modern landscape.
Horror, Independent
1h 35min
16 FSK
The eerie experiences of a nurse form the framework of this uniquely shocking horror anthology.
In an old city hospital, a young nurse begins her first night shift, quickly encountering a strange apparition that unsettles her. Curiosity leads her to an old colleague's tale about Mr. Moore, a patient whose arrival years ago with severe burns marked the beginning of a haunting mystery. Treated urgently but overwhelmed by pain and medication, Mr. Moore's descent into madness culminated in his eerie disappearance, spawning rumors that the devil himself had spirited him away. This chilling narrative forms the backdrop to THE DEVIL'S TAIL, an anthology of five additional stories whispered among the hospital's corridors: "Reformed," "What Metal Girls are into," "Cerdita," "The Boogeywoman," and "Supine," directed by Nicole Goode.
Helmed by a cohort of six women directors, including Taz Pereyra and Carlota Martínez Pereda, this Argentinian-New Zealand horror anthology distinguishes itself with tales penned by Mauro Croche and Pereyra. The film assembles a cast such as Florencia Antonucci and Bruno Giacobbe, diving into themes of insanity, supernatural occurrences, and the lingering echoes of the past. Notable for its innovative approach and its directors' unique visions, "The Devil's Tail" has garnered attention for both its haunting narratives and its representation of diverse, female perspectives in the horror genre. Through its interwoven stories, the film explores the fine line between reality and the macabre, leaving audiences riveted by its exploration of human endurance, the supernatural, and the unfathomable depths of madness. Its critical reception underscores the film's contribution to horror, celebrating its fresh take on age-old fears through a distinctly female lens, making it a standout addition to the genre's modern landscape.