In the thought-provoking documentary crafted by Stefan Reiner, viewers are invited into the lives of three visionary couples, navigating the treacherous waters of balancing family, creativity, and entrepreneurial aspirations. Without glorifying their journey, the film portrays the raw, unvarnished truth of their struggles and triumphs, laying bare the personal sacrifices required for success. Central to their story is the theme of community — a SOUL TRIBE that offers support, inspiration, and the courage to pursue one's dreams against societal expectations. SOUL TRIBE explores the delicate dance between personal fulfillment and the pressures of societal norms, showcasing the journey of these families as they strive for a harmonious life that respects individual aspirations while fostering strong familial bonds. It's a narrative that questions the traditional notions of success, exploring the emotional landscapes of those daring enough to carve their own paths. At its core, SOUL TRIBE is a celebration of resilience, love, and the power of community. It's a compelling invitation to viewers to reflect on their own lives, to find their tribe, and to embrace the beauty of walking life's path with those who understand and uplift them. Through its intimate storytelling, the film emerges as a beacon of hope, affirming that amidst life's challenges, there is always a way forward, together.
Drama, Music, Dance, Theater
1h 51min
Out of a crisis situation, a group of spiritual entrepreneurs develops new strength.
In the thought-provoking documentary crafted by Stefan Reiner, viewers are invited into the lives of three visionary couples, navigating the treacherous waters of balancing family, creativity, and entrepreneurial aspirations. Without glorifying their journey, the film portrays the raw, unvarnished truth of their struggles and triumphs, laying bare the personal sacrifices required for success. Central to their story is the theme of community — a SOUL TRIBE that offers support, inspiration, and the courage to pursue one's dreams against societal expectations.
SOUL TRIBE explores the delicate dance between personal fulfillment and the pressures of societal norms, showcasing the journey of these families as they strive for a harmonious life that respects individual aspirations while fostering strong familial bonds. It's a narrative that questions the traditional notions of success, exploring the emotional landscapes of those daring enough to carve their own paths.
At its core, SOUL TRIBE is a celebration of resilience, love, and the power of community. It's a compelling invitation to viewers to reflect on their own lives, to find their tribe, and to embrace the beauty of walking life's path with those who understand and uplift them. Through its intimate storytelling, the film emerges as a beacon of hope, affirming that amidst life's challenges, there is always a way forward, together.