Embarking on an evocative journey of self-discovery, a young man is haunted by the shadows of a childhood trauma he's strived to bury. This pursuit propels him far beyond the familiarity of home, directed by the visionary Aki T. Weisshaus, whose narrative genius captures a soul's desperate flight from becoming the mirror image of a father he scarcely remembers. As his path unwinds across the vast, uncharted landscapes of Europe, an unexpected encounter at a gas station alters the course of his voyage. A mysterious woman, harboring no judgments, becomes an unwitting companion in his tumultuous escapade through a reality that oscillates between the vivid and the surreal. Their odyssey is a tapestry of transient connections, intoxicating nights, and a relentless quest for a sliver of tranquility or oblivion. The film, celebrated for its audacious storytelling and profound character studies, has clinched accolades across the globe, including Best Feature Film, Best Director, and Best Actor at internationally recognized festivals such as the Torino Underground Cinefest. Aki T. Weisshaus's direction is a testament to the indomitable spirit of independent cinema, exploring the complex interplay between past traumas and the incessant yearning for redemption. This narrative, steeped in both melancholy and ecstasy, serves as a mirror reflecting the boundless landscapes of the human psyche. It stands as an unflinching examination of our deepest fears, aspirations, and the universal drive towards a life unshackled by the past. Through a lens that is both raw and nuanced, the film achieves a resonant honesty, solidifying its place as a compelling exploration of the human condition.
Drama, Independent
1h 42min
"Don’t become like my father" - a credo that will drive Alex, a man on the run from himself, to the edge of reason.
Embarking on an evocative journey of self-discovery, a young man is haunted by the shadows of a childhood trauma he's strived to bury. This pursuit propels him far beyond the familiarity of home, directed by the visionary Aki T. Weisshaus, whose narrative genius captures a soul's desperate flight from becoming the mirror image of a father he scarcely remembers. As his path unwinds across the vast, uncharted landscapes of Europe, an unexpected encounter at a gas station alters the course of his voyage. A mysterious woman, harboring no judgments, becomes an unwitting companion in his tumultuous escapade through a reality that oscillates between the vivid and the surreal.
Their odyssey is a tapestry of transient connections, intoxicating nights, and a relentless quest for a sliver of tranquility or oblivion. The film, celebrated for its audacious storytelling and profound character studies, has clinched accolades across the globe, including Best Feature Film, Best Director, and Best Actor at internationally recognized festivals such as the Torino Underground Cinefest.
Aki T. Weisshaus's direction is a testament to the indomitable spirit of independent cinema, exploring the complex interplay between past traumas and the incessant yearning for redemption. This narrative, steeped in both melancholy and ecstasy, serves as a mirror reflecting the boundless landscapes of the human psyche. It stands as an unflinching examination of our deepest fears, aspirations, and the universal drive towards a life unshackled by the past. Through a lens that is both raw and nuanced, the film achieves a resonant honesty, solidifying its place as a compelling exploration of the human condition.