Embarking on an audacious exploration of intimacy and identity, Jos Diegel’s documentary delves into the enigmatic realm of sexual relationships through an innovative blend of performance art and philosophical inquiry. Over six transformative days in San Francisco, two strangers, under the gaze of two cameras, engage in an intimate scenario seeking to unravel the essence of sexual rapport, inspired by Jean-Luc Nancy's provocative text "L'Il Y A Du Rapport Sexuel". This daring experiment challenges traditional narratives of intimacy, identity, and communication, intertwining direct experiences with profound philosophical reflections. As the protagonists navigate their constructed reality, the documentary transcends mere observation, inviting viewers into a deeply personal dialogue about the nature of human connections. This bold narrative approach has captivated audiences and critics alike for its fearless confrontation of taboo subjects and its visually compelling journey through the complexities of human desire. Diegel’s work, marked by its raw honesty and insightful examination of the ‘given’ in sexual relationships, challenges viewers to reconsider their perceptions of intimacy. Through a unique fusion of documentary and performance art, the film crafts a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is deeply human. Celebrated across various film festivals, L'IL Y A DU RAPPORT SEXUEL stands as a testament to the power of cinema to explore the depths of the human condition, making it a significant contribution to contemporary cinematic discourse.
Documentary, Icons & Media Art
1h 35min
Two strangers, Lisa and Jos, go to San Francisco to find out, if there is sexual intercourse - based on french philosopher Jean-Luc Nancys text.
Embarking on an audacious exploration of intimacy and identity, Jos Diegel’s documentary delves into the enigmatic realm of sexual relationships through an innovative blend of performance art and philosophical inquiry. Over six transformative days in San Francisco, two strangers, under the gaze of two cameras, engage in an intimate scenario seeking to unravel the essence of sexual rapport, inspired by Jean-Luc Nancy's provocative text "L'Il Y A Du Rapport Sexuel". This daring experiment challenges traditional narratives of intimacy, identity, and communication, intertwining direct experiences with profound philosophical reflections.
As the protagonists navigate their constructed reality, the documentary transcends mere observation, inviting viewers into a deeply personal dialogue about the nature of human connections. This bold narrative approach has captivated audiences and critics alike for its fearless confrontation of taboo subjects and its visually compelling journey through the complexities of human desire.
Diegel’s work, marked by its raw honesty and insightful examination of the ‘given’ in sexual relationships, challenges viewers to reconsider their perceptions of intimacy. Through a unique fusion of documentary and performance art, the film crafts a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is deeply human. Celebrated across various film festivals, L'IL Y A DU RAPPORT SEXUEL stands as a testament to the power of cinema to explore the depths of the human condition, making it a significant contribution to contemporary cinematic discourse.