A profound exploration of love, hope, and disillusionment unfolds as an Austrian retiree, Gerhard, embarks on a life-altering journey to Chiang Mai, Thailand, driven by a quest for healing and a new beginning with Amy, his Thai girlfriend. Struggling with a mysterious illness, Gerhard invests his life savings into this venture, hoping for a cure and a brighter future alongside Amy, a taxi driver turned entrepreneur. Samira Ghahremani's debut documentary captures the essence of a globalized relationship strained by financial and emotional transactions. The film navigates through the ebbs and flows of Gerhard's health and Amy's bustling life, presenting a nuanced portrayal of their intertwined destinies. When a significant investment leads to unexpected strains, Gerhard's dream of a "good life deal" faces the harsh light of reality, challenging their bond and future together. Ghahremani's subtle, unintrusive observation reveals the complex dynamics of love across cultural divides, earning critical acclaim for its insightful storytelling and the poignant depiction of a quest for a better life marred by unforeseen challenges. Celebrated for its documentary craftsmanship, the film poses compelling questions about the nature of relationships and the elusive promise of happiness, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.
Documentary, Independent
1h 13min
Gerhard goes all in: He leaves his previous life behind for the Thai girl Amy. Romance and thriller begin to intertwine.
A profound exploration of love, hope, and disillusionment unfolds as an Austrian retiree, Gerhard, embarks on a life-altering journey to Chiang Mai, Thailand, driven by a quest for healing and a new beginning with Amy, his Thai girlfriend. Struggling with a mysterious illness, Gerhard invests his life savings into this venture, hoping for a cure and a brighter future alongside Amy, a taxi driver turned entrepreneur.
Samira Ghahremani's debut documentary captures the essence of a globalized relationship strained by financial and emotional transactions. The film navigates through the ebbs and flows of Gerhard's health and Amy's bustling life, presenting a nuanced portrayal of their intertwined destinies. When a significant investment leads to unexpected strains, Gerhard's dream of a "good life deal" faces the harsh light of reality, challenging their bond and future together.
Ghahremani's subtle, unintrusive observation reveals the complex dynamics of love across cultural divides, earning critical acclaim for its insightful storytelling and the poignant depiction of a quest for a better life marred by unforeseen challenges. Celebrated for its documentary craftsmanship, the film poses compelling questions about the nature of relationships and the elusive promise of happiness, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.