This poignant film follows young Roham, whose inquisitive nature leads him to explore complex male-female relationships in a society where such interactions are tightly controlled. As Roham's understanding of the world around him deepens, he uncovers a dark secret in the life of his introverted classmate, Rana, revealing the stark contrasts between childhood innocence and the grim realities of adult life. NUMB masterfully captures the essence of early childhood experiences in a culture rife with religious and ethical dilemmas. Director Toodehroosta uses the kindergarten as a microcosm of Iranian society, highlighting the impact of religious teachings and state propaganda on young minds. The film has been critically acclaimed for its sensitive portrayal of delicate subject matter, with critics noting the director's ability to depict the resilience of childhood amidst societal constraints. Director Toodehroosta has garnered attention for its bold critique of Iranian societal norms, as well as for its deep dive into the themes of innocence, knowledge, and the loss thereof. The film's nuanced approach to storytelling and its focus on the universal experiences of childhood have made it a standout piece in contemporary cinema, resonating with audiences and critics alike.
1h 30min
A riveting Iranian drama set in a unique kindergarten in Tehran, where the usual gender segregation of schools is yet to begin.
This poignant film follows young Roham, whose inquisitive nature leads him to explore complex male-female relationships in a society where such interactions are tightly controlled. As Roham's understanding of the world around him deepens, he uncovers a dark secret in the life of his introverted classmate, Rana, revealing the stark contrasts between childhood innocence and the grim realities of adult life.
NUMB masterfully captures the essence of early childhood experiences in a culture rife with religious and ethical dilemmas. Director Toodehroosta uses the kindergarten as a microcosm of Iranian society, highlighting the impact of religious teachings and state propaganda on young minds. The film has been critically acclaimed for its sensitive portrayal of delicate subject matter, with critics noting the director's ability to depict the resilience of childhood amidst societal constraints.
Director Toodehroosta has garnered attention for its bold critique of Iranian societal norms, as well as for its deep dive into the themes of innocence, knowledge, and the loss thereof. The film's nuanced approach to storytelling and its focus on the universal experiences of childhood have made it a standout piece in contemporary cinema, resonating with audiences and critics alike.