Set in July 2014, expectant parents Irka and Tolik find their lives in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border violently disrupted by the MH17 crash, a haunting reminder of the escalating conflict around them. Amidst this turmoil, Tolik is torn between his separatist friends and Irka's accusations of betrayal towards Ukraine. Despite the village's capture by separatist armed forces, Irka's resolve to stay and repair their bombed home symbolizes hope amidst despair. The film, praised for its uncompromising narrative and remarkable formal approach, received accolades at Sundance and other festivals. Critics laud director Maryna Er Gorbach's unblinking gaze into the conflict's abyss and her ability to weave the personal into the political landscape of Ukraine. The cinematic journey is marked by long takes and panning shots, capturing the brutalities and absurdities of war against the backdrop of everyday life. This stark portrait of life in a war-torn village, with its careful blend of despair, empathy, and black comedy, offers a visceral insight into the human cost of war. KLONDIKE is not only a testament to Gorbach's directorial prowess but also a reflection of her deep understanding of her homeland and its ongoing struggles. The film's narrative, based on the harrowing real-life event of the MH17 crash, serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. With outstanding performances and a gripping storyline, KLONDIKE stands as a brutal, unforgettable drama, a modern tragedy beautifully told.
Drama, Action & Aventure
1h 40min
A gripping film by Ukraine's Maryna Er Gorbach about the tragic events of the Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014.
Set in July 2014, expectant parents Irka and Tolik find their lives in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border violently disrupted by the MH17 crash, a haunting reminder of the escalating conflict around them. Amidst this turmoil, Tolik is torn between his separatist friends and Irka's accusations of betrayal towards Ukraine. Despite the village's capture by separatist armed forces, Irka's resolve to stay and repair their bombed home symbolizes hope amidst despair.
The film, praised for its uncompromising narrative and remarkable formal approach, received accolades at Sundance and other festivals. Critics laud director Maryna Er Gorbach's unblinking gaze into the conflict's abyss and her ability to weave the personal into the political landscape of Ukraine. The cinematic journey is marked by long takes and panning shots, capturing the brutalities and absurdities of war against the backdrop of everyday life. This stark portrait of life in a war-torn village, with its careful blend of despair, empathy, and black comedy, offers a visceral insight into the human cost of war.
KLONDIKE is not only a testament to Gorbach's directorial prowess but also a reflection of her deep understanding of her homeland and its ongoing struggles. The film's narrative, based on the harrowing real-life event of the MH17 crash, serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. With outstanding performances and a gripping storyline, KLONDIKE stands as a brutal, unforgettable drama, a modern tragedy beautifully told.