In a stirring narrative set in the midst of corporate acquisition turmoil, 34-year-old Karine, a dedicated housekeeper and full-time mother to her teenage son Ziggy, is thrust into a leadership role during a labor strike at her company. As the new owners impose stringent and exploitative working conditions, Karine must navigate the complex moral landscape of standing up for her coworkers against the backdrop of personal risk, showcasing the resilience and solidarity among the workers. Torn between her commitment to the truth and the dire need to protect her family's future, Karine's journey highlights the invisible struggles faced by those at the economic margins. Directed by Sylvie Gautier, the film not only explores themes of personal sacrifice and social justice but also delves into the emotional and psychological impacts of corporate greed on individuals and communities. Critically acclaimed for its nuanced portrayal of the often-overlooked realities of working-class heroes, the film resonates with a powerful message about the strength found in collective resistance and the courage required to maintain one's integrity in the face of overwhelming odds. It's a poignant reminder of the significant yet unrecognized contributions made by the so-called invisible sectors of society.
Comedy, Drama
1h 42min
Karine becomes the leader in the fight for her job, but the young woman is tetanized by an invisible handicap.
In a stirring narrative set in the midst of corporate acquisition turmoil, 34-year-old Karine, a dedicated housekeeper and full-time mother to her teenage son Ziggy, is thrust into a leadership role during a labor strike at her company. As the new owners impose stringent and exploitative working conditions, Karine must navigate the complex moral landscape of standing up for her coworkers against the backdrop of personal risk, showcasing the resilience and solidarity among the workers.
Torn between her commitment to the truth and the dire need to protect her family's future, Karine's journey highlights the invisible struggles faced by those at the economic margins. Directed by Sylvie Gautier, the film not only explores themes of personal sacrifice and social justice but also delves into the emotional and psychological impacts of corporate greed on individuals and communities.
Critically acclaimed for its nuanced portrayal of the often-overlooked realities of working-class heroes, the film resonates with a powerful message about the strength found in collective resistance and the courage required to maintain one's integrity in the face of overwhelming odds. It's a poignant reminder of the significant yet unrecognized contributions made by the so-called invisible sectors of society.