The film focuses on four young adults: Ayşe, who dreams of fleeing Turkey due to a lack of prospects; Ali, an unemployed man living with his parents; Mehmet, a married engineer dissatisfied with his above-average life; and Zeynep, a student overwhelmed by the world's troubles. Their individual struggles with money, joblessness, and social isolation are mere 'slight disasters' in the grand scheme but consume their every thought, often leading to tears in solitude. Subaşı's debut feature is not a tale of gloom, but rather a tragicomic exploration of a generation at a crossroads, where their future seems as uncertain as the outcomes of astrology, lotteries, and online personality tests. The narrative weaves these characters' lives together through coincidences, creating a microcosm of a world where the external fades away, focusing on their intertwined existences. The film's unique visual style, marked by direct framing and a whimsical musical score, adds a layer of humor to the pathos, offering a novel perspective on the difficulties of life. Subaşı, influenced by personal experiences and societal observations, crafts a film that is both a critique and a sympathetic portrayal of young Turks' aspirations, fears, and frustrations, all set against the vibrant backdrop of Istanbul. This poignant, humorous, and bittersweet story provides a fresh look at the challenges faced by the younger generation, making it a standout in contemporary cinema.
Comedy, Drama
1h 28min
Director Umut Subaşı deftly captures the essence of millennial malaise in contemporary Istanbul.
The film focuses on four young adults: Ayşe, who dreams of fleeing Turkey due to a lack of prospects; Ali, an unemployed man living with his parents; Mehmet, a married engineer dissatisfied with his above-average life; and Zeynep, a student overwhelmed by the world's troubles. Their individual struggles with money, joblessness, and social isolation are mere 'slight disasters' in the grand scheme but consume their every thought, often leading to tears in solitude.
Subaşı's debut feature is not a tale of gloom, but rather a tragicomic exploration of a generation at a crossroads, where their future seems as uncertain as the outcomes of astrology, lotteries, and online personality tests. The narrative weaves these characters' lives together through coincidences, creating a microcosm of a world where the external fades away, focusing on their intertwined existences.
The film's unique visual style, marked by direct framing and a whimsical musical score, adds a layer of humor to the pathos, offering a novel perspective on the difficulties of life. Subaşı, influenced by personal experiences and societal observations, crafts a film that is both a critique and a sympathetic portrayal of young Turks' aspirations, fears, and frustrations, all set against the vibrant backdrop of Istanbul. This poignant, humorous, and bittersweet story provides a fresh look at the challenges faced by the younger generation, making it a standout in contemporary cinema.