A striking anomaly grips France: an unexpected polar cold in the heart of summer. This climatic aberration sets the stage for an extraordinary narrative, where ten solitary souls, each lost in their own world, find themselves inexplicably drawn together. These encounters, rich in emotion and introspection, represent a pivotal moment of connection. The film pays a poetic tribute to Monet’s 'Water Lilies', presenting an impressionistic canvas of today’s France. Its episodic storytelling skillfully intertwines themes of loneliness, hope, fear, love, and existential angst, set against a backdrop that borders on the surreal. Each character, navigating their inner turmoil and void, seeks solace and meaning in these unusual circumstances. 'Summer Frost' thus delves into the essence of human desires and vulnerabilities, reflecting the chilling beauty of Monet’s work while infusing it with a contemporary perspective. The film’s narrative is a masterful blend of drama and absurd humor, prompting a profound exploration of modern societal norms and the human condition. As these lost souls navigate their way through love, class struggles, and dreams, the film paints a vivid and fragmented portrait of France. It stands as a unique cinematic journey, delving deep into the heart of human fragility, resilience, and the enduring quest for connection in a world turned cold and unpredictable.
1h 52min
In a cold summer, 10 strangers connect, revealing dreams and fears in an impressionist tapestry of contemporary France's soul.
A striking anomaly grips France: an unexpected polar cold in the heart of summer. This climatic aberration sets the stage for an extraordinary narrative, where ten solitary souls, each lost in their own world, find themselves inexplicably drawn together. These encounters, rich in emotion and introspection, represent a pivotal moment of connection.
The film pays a poetic tribute to Monet’s 'Water Lilies', presenting an impressionistic canvas of today’s France. Its episodic storytelling skillfully intertwines themes of loneliness, hope, fear, love, and existential angst, set against a backdrop that borders on the surreal. Each character, navigating their inner turmoil and void, seeks solace and meaning in these unusual circumstances. 'Summer Frost' thus delves into the essence of human desires and vulnerabilities, reflecting the chilling beauty of Monet’s work while infusing it with a contemporary perspective.
The film’s narrative is a masterful blend of drama and absurd humor, prompting a profound exploration of modern societal norms and the human condition. As these lost souls navigate their way through love, class struggles, and dreams, the film paints a vivid and fragmented portrait of France. It stands as a unique cinematic journey, delving deep into the heart of human fragility, resilience, and the enduring quest for connection in a world turned cold and unpredictable.