The three hours series consists of 14 episodes created for the exhibition “Are you ready for TV?” at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona. Part of the film was shot inside the museum. The series deals with the difficulty financing a so-called “difficult film” and a range of topics, from the relationship between text and image to the concept of names, the way in which the public inhabits the museum environment and the relationship between exhibition space and art work. The movie is based on Luis de León's religious prose work "De los nombres de Cristo" (Engl. The Names of Christ) (1586).
3h 13min
Albert Serra stages Jesus' Way of the Cross in his usual subversive style.
The three hours series consists of 14 episodes created for the exhibition “Are you ready for TV?” at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona. Part of the film was shot inside the museum. The series deals with the difficulty financing a so-called “difficult film” and a range of topics, from the relationship between text and image to the concept of names, the way in which the public inhabits the museum environment and the relationship between exhibition space and art work.
The movie is based on Luis de León's religious prose work "De los nombres de Cristo" (Engl. The Names of Christ) (1586).