Tara Emory, artist and sex-industry veteran, has fearlessly carved her path in the independent sex industry since the early 2000s. However, this captivating journey faces a sudden and imminent threat as Tara, a compulsive hoarder, finds herself on the brink of eviction from her sprawling retro sci-fi kitsch and cosplay Wonderland studio. In a deeply personal exploration, she is compelled to confront not only her family's history of hoarding but also the essence of her art and, most importantly, herself. Under the skilled direction of Laurence Turcotte-Fraser, the documentary takes you on a tumultuous seven-year odyssey alongside Tara as she races against time to complete her ambitious film, "Up Uranus." Balancing the dreamlike realm she has crafted for herself with the harsh realities of life, we witness an older, wiser Emory emerge from the depths of her struggle. Through fragmented glimpses, we gain insight into her illustrious career, her profound influence, and the transformative impact of her childhood.
Documentary, Queer
1h 25min
Artist and sex-industry veteran Tara Emory tries to finish her video porn opus before her landlord kicks her out of her Wonderland studio.
Tara Emory, artist and sex-industry veteran, has fearlessly carved her path in the independent sex industry since the early 2000s. However, this captivating journey faces a sudden and imminent threat as Tara, a compulsive hoarder, finds herself on the brink of eviction from her sprawling retro sci-fi kitsch and cosplay Wonderland studio. In a deeply personal exploration, she is compelled to confront not only her family's history of hoarding but also the essence of her art and, most importantly, herself.
Under the skilled direction of Laurence Turcotte-Fraser, the documentary takes you on a tumultuous seven-year odyssey alongside Tara as she races against time to complete her ambitious film, "Up Uranus."
Balancing the dreamlike realm she has crafted for herself with the harsh realities of life, we witness an older, wiser Emory emerge from the depths of her struggle. Through fragmented glimpses, we gain insight into her illustrious career, her profound influence, and the transformative impact of her childhood.