Luis, a street performer and petty criminal, has a life-changing encounter during one of his robberies. He meets Elias, who instead of taking him to the police and turning him in, finds him intriguing and accompanies him to an audition. He gets the lead role in a film that is selected to premiere at the Berlinale. But when he arrives in Berlin, he is dismayed to find that Europeans view Latin American films only as a kind of misery porn. When he meets Azra, an Albanian woman who lived through the Kosovo war, he decides to spend time with her instead of going to film parties. The red carpet fight was filmed at the Berlinale 2017 with three hidden cameras and without permission.
Independent, Comedy
1h 15min
When Luis travels to the Berlinale for the premiere of his film, he is dismayed that Latin American films are considered nothing but misery porn.
Luis, a street performer and petty criminal, has a life-changing encounter during one of his robberies. He meets Elias, who instead of taking him to the police and turning him in, finds him intriguing and accompanies him to an audition.
He gets the lead role in a film that is selected to premiere at the Berlinale. But when he arrives in Berlin, he is dismayed to find that Europeans view Latin American films only as a kind of misery porn. When he meets Azra, an Albanian woman who lived through the Kosovo war, he decides to spend time with her instead of going to film parties.
The red carpet fight was filmed at the Berlinale 2017 with three hidden cameras and without permission.