In the early 2010s, David Held and Halma H. Hunsen were Berlin's most feared duo. In their no-budget Internet crime series, they hunted down all kinds of criminals. At the film festival in Schwerin, the two want to revive their glory days and shoot a short film. But of course everything that can go wrong does, and the friendship of the two is in danger. "This pseudo-documentary about the tragicomic duo thrives on the grandiose, goofy pretentious performances of the two leads." (filmdienst)
Independent, Comedy
1h 10min
The glory days as Kreuzkölln-cops are long gone, but these two aging ex-Youtube stars want to do it again.
In the early 2010s, David Held and Halma H. Hunsen were Berlin's most feared duo. In their no-budget Internet crime series, they hunted down all kinds of criminals.
At the film festival in Schwerin, the two want to revive their glory days and shoot a short film. But of course everything that can go wrong does, and the friendship of the two is in danger.
"This pseudo-documentary about the tragicomic duo thrives on the grandiose, goofy pretentious performances of the two leads." (filmdienst)