In Tokyo's Shibuya district, the yakuza dominate the streets at the end of the last millennium. This is where the paths of nightclub owner Kamjo and the inconspicuous Arano cross. Arano, who barely speaks a word and is capable of killing without any emotion, is driven by a deep hatred for the yakuza. Kamjo hopes to harness the silent killer for his own purposes. With PORNOSTAR, Toshiaki Toyoda laid the foundation for an angry cinema that explores Japanese pop and youth culture, violence, social isolation and inequality. "Even in his debut, it's evident what great acting performances Toyoda gets out of his actors. Combined with the independent style of the entire production, the handheld camera shots as well as the soundtrack, PORNOSTAR comes across as a raw gem reminiscent of works like Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver"." (asianmoviepulse)
Crime, Independent
1h 33min
18 FSK
In Shibuya, the neon-lit epicenter of Japanese youth culture, a lone perpetrator begins his orgy of violence against the ruling Yakuza.
In Tokyo's Shibuya district, the yakuza dominate the streets at the end of the last millennium. This is where the paths of nightclub owner Kamjo and the inconspicuous Arano cross.
Arano, who barely speaks a word and is capable of killing without any emotion, is driven by a deep hatred for the yakuza. Kamjo hopes to harness the silent killer for his own purposes.
With PORNOSTAR, Toshiaki Toyoda laid the foundation for an angry cinema that explores Japanese pop and youth culture, violence, social isolation and inequality.
"Even in his debut, it's evident what great acting performances Toyoda gets out of his actors. Combined with the independent style of the entire production, the handheld camera shots as well as the soundtrack, PORNOSTAR comes across as a raw gem reminiscent of works like Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver"." (asianmoviepulse)