The charismatic singer ORPHEA (Lilith Stangenberg) follows her lover Euridiko, after his death, in a trip across cultural history and into the underworld. On the way she attempts a revolution of the outcasts. Western consumer society is pilloried and xenophobia is condemned. In keeping with this social commitment, Orphea's goal is to free not only Euridiko, but all the dead. "ORPHEA is a wild, beguiling reinterpretation of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Visually expressive and strongly acted, this further invitation to the viewer by Khavn and Alexander Kluge in their second collaboration is rewarding, providing surprising, creative and playful moments." (Film Reviews)
Music, Dance, Theater, Sci-Fi & Fantaisie
1h 39min
12 FSK
Alexander Kluge and the multi-media artist Khavn revive the Orpheus myth and use it as a starting point for a true revolution.
The charismatic singer ORPHEA (Lilith Stangenberg) follows her lover Euridiko, after his death, in a trip across cultural history and into the underworld.
On the way she attempts a revolution of the outcasts. Western consumer society is pilloried and xenophobia is condemned.
In keeping with this social commitment, Orphea's goal is to free not only Euridiko, but all the dead.
"ORPHEA is a wild, beguiling reinterpretation of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Visually expressive and strongly acted, this further invitation to the viewer by Khavn and Alexander Kluge in their second collaboration is rewarding, providing surprising, creative and playful moments." (Film Reviews)