Set in 1934, the film is inspired by the real events of the Kazym Uprising. The natives - Khanty and Nenets - reject the new ideology, preferring to believe in their gods and goddesses. Polina's art troupe, consisting of a composer, a filmmaker, a theater director, an architect and a sculptor, travels north to penetrate the illiterate minds of the isolated taiga. "ANGELS OF REVOLUTION is an incredibly rewarding experience because there is not a single pointless or boring shot. Nor are there any half-baked ideas presented. A myriad of ideas are condensed into polished sketches through sardonic humor, proving Fedorchenko's visionary power." (Screenanarchy)
Romance, Drama
1h 48min
Soviet heroine Polina Schneider gathers a group of avant-garde artists to convert the remote pagan tribes of Siberia to communism.
Set in 1934, the film is inspired by the real events of the Kazym Uprising. The natives - Khanty and Nenets - reject the new ideology, preferring to believe in their gods and goddesses.
Polina's art troupe, consisting of a composer, a filmmaker, a theater director, an architect and a sculptor, travels north to penetrate the illiterate minds of the isolated taiga.
"ANGELS OF REVOLUTION is an incredibly rewarding experience because there is not a single pointless or boring shot. Nor are there any half-baked ideas presented. A myriad of ideas are condensed into polished sketches through sardonic humor, proving Fedorchenko's visionary power." (Screenanarchy)