The life story of an unusual man who, despite the most adverse circumstances, lives life his own way without ever losing his sense of humor. When Werner Herzog (unrelated to the famous director) was 16 years old, his father was beaten to death before his eyes. His mother was overwhelmed with parenting and shipped him off to one of the toughest youth services in West Germany. After his stay at the home, he mastered judo and began a career as a dispute-settling chaperone at the notorious Star Club in Bielefeld. He started a family and realized that his lifestyle was not compatible with family life. Today, the 77-year-old from Bielefeld lives in seclusion in the countryside with his dog Lucky. "The loving portrait of a maverick with a heart" (Neue Westfälische).
Biography, Documentary
1h 30min
The loving portrait of a life on a lurching course, but one that never went off the rails.
The life story of an unusual man who, despite the most adverse circumstances, lives life his own way without ever losing his sense of humor.
When Werner Herzog (unrelated to the famous director) was 16 years old, his father was beaten to death before his eyes. His mother was overwhelmed with parenting and shipped him off to one of the toughest youth services in West Germany. After his stay at the home, he mastered judo and began a career as a dispute-settling chaperone at the notorious Star Club in Bielefeld.
He started a family and realized that his lifestyle was not compatible with family life. Today, the 77-year-old from Bielefeld lives in seclusion in the countryside with his dog Lucky.
"The loving portrait of a maverick with a heart" (Neue Westfälische).