In the "very special potato field of the sciences," at the fictional "Berlin University," Phoebe Phaidon, played by theater scholar Sarah Ralfs, must exist in a 28% position between student turmoil and administrative insanity. "With his post-neo-Brechtian style, Max Linz creates a biting description of the state of the globalized academic world at a "Berlin University". Sophie Rois has a special presence in this film, as her character shimmers between irony, toughness, excessive demands and acting brilliance. But her assistant Phoebe Phaidon, played by the theater scholar Sarah Ralfs, who is also her victim, sometimes stands outside this plot as if indestructible. With a stoicism that we do not know from which sources it is fed. Both materialize in an imaginative set design with cyber glasses and in old-masterly paintings. It could harbor alternatives." (Sooner curator Robert Bramkamp) "Max Linz devotes his second feature-length film to an exciting subject: the senseless pop dance that academia performs in times of total capitalization, where special research area inspections are rehearsed like plays and a top dog elite jets non-stop around the world for conferences to give critical lectures on climate change and redistribution." (Tagesspiegel) "Both a satire and a musical, MUSIC AND APOCALYPSE - WEITERMACHEN SANSSOUCI exposes the current state of university life with it's manic evaluations, the obtuseness of academic jargon, and third-party funding." (taz)
1h 20min
A bitter satire on the university business and its evaluation madness and third-party funding stupidity.
In the "very special potato field of the sciences," at the fictional "Berlin University," Phoebe Phaidon, played by theater scholar Sarah Ralfs, must exist in a 28% position between student turmoil and administrative insanity.
"With his post-neo-Brechtian style, Max Linz creates a biting description of the state of the globalized academic world at a "Berlin University". Sophie Rois has a special presence in this film, as her character shimmers between irony, toughness, excessive demands and acting brilliance. But her assistant Phoebe Phaidon, played by the theater scholar Sarah Ralfs, who is also her victim, sometimes stands outside this plot as if indestructible. With a stoicism that we do not know from which sources it is fed. Both materialize in an imaginative set design with cyber glasses and in old-masterly paintings. It could harbor alternatives." (Sooner curator Robert Bramkamp)
"Max Linz devotes his second feature-length film to an exciting subject: the senseless pop dance that academia performs in times of total capitalization, where special research area inspections are rehearsed like plays and a top dog elite jets non-stop around the world for conferences to give critical lectures on climate change and redistribution." (Tagesspiegel)
"Both a satire and a musical, MUSIC AND APOCALYPSE - WEITERMACHEN SANSSOUCI exposes the current state of university life with it's manic evaluations, the obtuseness of academic jargon, and third-party funding." (taz)