Achille, a handsome young Parisian teenager from a wealthy family, suddenly becomes a victim of an ultra-violent attack. Achille is sent on vacation to the sea-side to recuperate. There he meets Brian, a young man angry with the world at large. The encounter of these two young men brings out their true nature, and their conflict will create a murderer. At the beautiful vacation resort, Achille indulges himself in golf, takes drugs at parties, and has lots of sex. Unbeknown to him, one of his assailants, Brian, a young man from a financially challenged background, works at the resort. It won't take long for the two adversaries to clash, and their encounter will bring out their true nature. Inspired by a true story, VERSUS is an atypical, hybrid film that oscillates between a teenage chronicle and genre film.
Drama, Thriller
1h 18min
A gritty thriller inspired by a true story. After suffering a brutal attack, a teenager seeks revenge.
Achille, a handsome young Parisian teenager from a wealthy family, suddenly becomes a victim of an ultra-violent attack. Achille is sent on vacation to the sea-side to recuperate.
There he meets Brian, a young man angry with the world at large. The encounter of these two young men brings out their true nature, and their conflict will create a murderer.
At the beautiful vacation resort, Achille indulges himself in golf, takes drugs at parties, and has lots of sex. Unbeknown to him, one of his assailants, Brian, a young man from a financially challenged background, works at the resort. It won't take long for the two adversaries to clash, and their encounter will bring out their true nature.
Inspired by a true story, VERSUS is an atypical, hybrid film that oscillates between a teenage chronicle and genre film.