In a small Romanian town the young Kato, a teenage girl living in an orphanage, gets an electric shock while blow-drying her hair. This small shock changes the world around her. Soon the orphanage is crawling with electricians, and Bogi, a new volunteer, is hired to restore order. Kato is so enamored by her that she rethinks her entire outlook. "Szöcs and her cinematographer Zoltán Dévényi have an attractive neo-realist style of shooting and garner impressively naturalistic performances from the young supporting cast." (Eye For Film) Creating a magical realisms with "carefully crafted frames and compositions, dreamy metaphors and a vibrant colour palette that impregnate the story arc." (DMovies)
Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantaisie
1h 13min
The story of an orphan with albinism is told in an unusual blend of neorealism and magical realism.
In a small Romanian town the young Kato, a teenage girl living in an orphanage, gets an electric shock while blow-drying her hair. This small shock changes the world around her.
Soon the orphanage is crawling with electricians, and Bogi, a new volunteer, is hired to restore order. Kato is so enamored by her that she rethinks her entire outlook.
"Szöcs and her cinematographer Zoltán Dévényi have an attractive neo-realist style of shooting and garner impressively naturalistic performances from the young supporting cast." (Eye For Film) Creating a magical realisms with "carefully crafted frames and compositions, dreamy metaphors and a vibrant colour palette that impregnate the story arc." (DMovies)