This semi-documentary film focuses on the sporting achievements of the "Kaiser" Franz Beckenbauer during his heyday in the 1970s as a professional soccer player. In addition to the portrait of Beckenbauer, the film offers background information and behind-the- scenes insights into the sport. The film addresses the high expectations of fans and sponsors, and how a key experience made Beckenbauer reflect on his career. "An ambitious cinematic tribute" (Lexikon des internationalen Films).
Drama, Timeless
1h 20min
Semi-documentary feature film about "Kaiser" Franz Beckenbauer.
This semi-documentary film focuses on the sporting achievements of the "Kaiser" Franz Beckenbauer during his heyday in the 1970s as a professional soccer player.
In addition to the portrait of Beckenbauer, the film offers background information and behind-the- scenes insights into the sport. The film addresses the high expectations of fans and sponsors, and how a key experience made Beckenbauer reflect on his career.
"An ambitious cinematic tribute" (Lexikon des internationalen Films).