SOLO SUNNY, the last film by the most renowned DEFA director Konrad Wolf, focuses on the unconventional pop singer Sunny, impressively embodied by Renate Krößner. Renate Krößner brings the complex character of Sunny to life with impressive depth, an artist who goes her own way despite social resistance. Sunny strives for artistic recognition and personal freedom in the GDR, but encounters considerable obstacles in both her private life and her career. After a public scandal, she is expelled from her band and is left with nothing. With determination and the support of Renate Krößner in her role, Sunny fights for a fresh start, this time with a new band. Renate Krößner's portrayal brings Sunny's inner turmoil and indomitability authentically to the screen and leaves a lasting impression on the film. The film became famous not only for its artistic depth, but also for its striking score, which made a significant contribution to its success. SOLO SUNNY received numerous awards, including the FIPRESCI Prize from international film critics, confirming its cultural and artistic value. Renate Krößner's outstanding performance in "Solo Sunny" makes the film an unforgettable experience and a worthy conclusion to Konrad Wolf's impressive film career.
1h 40min
12 FSK
The story about the singer Sunny, co-directed by Konrad Wolf and Wolfgang Kohlhaase, is considered one of the most important contemporary DEFA films.
SOLO SUNNY, the last film by the most renowned DEFA director Konrad Wolf, focuses on the unconventional pop singer Sunny, impressively embodied by Renate Krößner. Renate Krößner brings the complex character of Sunny to life with impressive depth, an artist who goes her own way despite social resistance.
Sunny strives for artistic recognition and personal freedom in the GDR, but encounters considerable obstacles in both her private life and her career. After a public scandal, she is expelled from her band and is left with nothing. With determination and the support of Renate Krößner in her role, Sunny fights for a fresh start, this time with a new band. Renate Krößner's portrayal brings Sunny's inner turmoil and indomitability authentically to the screen and leaves a lasting impression on the film.
The film became famous not only for its artistic depth, but also for its striking score, which made a significant contribution to its success. SOLO SUNNY received numerous awards, including the FIPRESCI Prize from international film critics, confirming its cultural and artistic value. Renate Krößner's outstanding performance in "Solo Sunny" makes the film an unforgettable experience and a worthy conclusion to Konrad Wolf's impressive film career.