When Leeward, a talented and atypical musician and Lilas, a young video artist, meet, their encounter may be just what they need to make their dreams come true. In his small New York apartment, where he lives with his wife, Leeward, a talented and atypical musician, composes pieces of music using the toys of his three-year-old-daughter, Rainbow. Lilas, a young video artist, drags her suitcase from underground artist squats to trendy galleries, hoping to break through into the exclusive contemporary art world. When Leeward and Lilas meet, their encounter may be just what they need to make their dreams come true. „Featuring gorgeous photography, solid performances and an absolutely killer soundtrack.“ (CriterionCast)
1h 38min
The meeting of two extraordinary artistic souls on the streets of New York could be just what they are looking for.
When Leeward, a talented and atypical musician and Lilas, a young video artist, meet, their encounter may be just what they need to make their dreams come true.
In his small New York apartment, where he lives with his wife, Leeward, a talented and atypical musician, composes pieces of music using the toys of his three-year-old-daughter, Rainbow. Lilas, a young video artist, drags her suitcase from underground artist squats to trendy galleries, hoping to break through into the exclusive contemporary art world. When Leeward and Lilas meet, their encounter may be just what they need to make their dreams come true.
„Featuring gorgeous photography, solid performances and an absolutely killer soundtrack.“ (CriterionCast)