Paul, a shy and lonely 12-year-old falls deeply in love with the troubled and fascinating Gloria. Their love grows as they escape from the hostile adult world and embark on a dangerous journey towards an unreachable destination, the "haven of peace" that Gloria dreams of. Fabrice du Welz's direction and cinematography brilliantly capture the magic and danger of nature as Paul and Gloria navigate through forests and rivers. The growth of their love is explored like a plant, with light touches and small kisses that slowly blossom into something more intense. But as they journey deeper into the wild, the dangerous and inconsistent nature of both their love and the world around them become increasingly clear. Fantine Harduin as Gloria and Thomas Gioria as Paul deliver powerful performances that perfectly capture the innocence and intensity of teenage love. ADORATION is a beautiful and disturbing portrayal of young love that grows beyond its confines, exploring the fine line between sweet tenderness and violent obsession.
Romance, Thriller
1h 38min
Paul falls head over heels in love with the schizophrenic Gloria and decides to escape with her.
Paul, a shy and lonely 12-year-old falls deeply in love with the troubled and fascinating Gloria. Their love grows as they escape from the hostile adult world and embark on a dangerous journey towards an unreachable destination, the "haven of peace" that Gloria dreams of.
Fabrice du Welz's direction and cinematography brilliantly capture the magic and danger of nature as Paul and Gloria navigate through forests and rivers. The growth of their love is explored like a plant, with light touches and small kisses that slowly blossom into something more intense. But as they journey deeper into the wild, the dangerous and inconsistent nature of both their love and the world around them become increasingly clear.
Fantine Harduin as Gloria and Thomas Gioria as Paul deliver powerful performances that perfectly capture the innocence and intensity of teenage love. ADORATION is a beautiful and disturbing portrayal of young love that grows beyond its confines, exploring the fine line between sweet tenderness and violent obsession.