Based on true events, this thriller by Christina Rosendahl shows a covered-up nuclear scandal in Greenland in the middle of the Cold War. January 1968 - An American B52 bomber with live nuclear warheads crashes into the ice of Danish territory near a US airbase over Thule in Greenland. Shortly afterwards, the responsible governments classify the crash as a Broken Arrow scenario (nuclear accident) and claim to have the situation under control. Hundreds of workers from Thule help with the difficult clean-up work on site. After eight months, all traces of the crashed plane and the plutonium-contaminated glacier ice have been removed. The case is considered closed. However, 18 years later, journalist Poul Brink comes across inconsistencies during an investigation. It seems that an unwanted truth about the crash of the nuclear bomber lies buried deep beneath Greenland's ice cap and in the archives of the US government.
Action & Aventure, Thriller
1h 54min
12 FSK
An American B52 bomber with live nuclear warheads crashes in Greenland - years later, a journalist reopens the case.
Based on true events, this thriller by Christina Rosendahl shows a covered-up nuclear scandal in Greenland in the middle of the Cold War.
January 1968 - An American B52 bomber with live nuclear warheads crashes into the ice of Danish territory near a US airbase over Thule in Greenland. Shortly afterwards, the responsible governments classify the crash as a Broken Arrow scenario (nuclear accident) and claim to have the situation under control. Hundreds of workers from Thule help with the difficult clean-up work on site. After eight months, all traces of the crashed plane and the plutonium-contaminated glacier ice have been removed. The case is considered closed.
However, 18 years later, journalist Poul Brink comes across inconsistencies during an investigation. It seems that an unwanted truth about the crash of the nuclear bomber lies buried deep beneath Greenland's ice cap and in the archives of the US government.