Philippe Mars, a divorced father of two tries to navigate his way through an increasingly erratic world. When his former colleague Jérôme accidentally chops off his ear, escapes from the psychiatry and then moves into Philippe's apartment, with his new friend Chloé in tow, things start to spiral out of control. To make matters worse, Philippe's daughter is a pathological overachiever and his son has become a militant vegan. With its witty writing and superb performances, News from Planet Mars is a compelling comedy that questions the boundaries of goodwill and the latent lunacy within us all. Moll's precise sense of black humor takes no prisoners, and the surreal aspects of our existence are brought to the forefront in this anarchistic attack on a world that seems whole, but never truly is.
1h 41min
In this very compelling comedy, a father reaches the boundaries of his good will and is in danger of falling prey to insanity.
Philippe Mars, a divorced father of two tries to navigate his way through an increasingly erratic world. When his former colleague Jérôme accidentally chops off his ear, escapes from the psychiatry and then moves into Philippe's apartment, with his new friend Chloé in tow, things start to spiral out of control. To make matters worse, Philippe's daughter is a pathological overachiever and his son has become a militant vegan.
With its witty writing and superb performances, News from Planet Mars is a compelling comedy that questions the boundaries of goodwill and the latent lunacy within us all. Moll's precise sense of black humor takes no prisoners, and the surreal aspects of our existence are brought to the forefront in this anarchistic attack on a world that seems whole, but never truly is.