This short film by Maren-Kea Freese is an intense two-person drama about a dysfunctional love relationship featuring cult actor and musician Lars Rudolph ("Run Lola Run"). Shot under the tutelage of Hungarian director Béla Tarr at the prestigous German Film and Television Academy, KOJOTENWEWG 13 explores the depths of co-dependency and self-destruction of a Berlin couple through Freese's masterful direction of her actors, a claustrophobic setting, and real time storytelling. The analogue source material has signs of wear and tear that hopefully will not impede the enjoyment of the film.
Timeless, Shorts
An intense two-person drama about a dysfunctional love relationship featuring cult actor and musician Lars Rudolph ("Run Lola Run").
This short film by Maren-Kea Freese is an intense two-person drama about a dysfunctional love relationship featuring cult actor and musician Lars Rudolph ("Run Lola Run").
Shot under the tutelage of Hungarian director Béla Tarr at the prestigous German Film and Television Academy, KOJOTENWEWG 13 explores the depths of co-dependency and self-destruction of a Berlin couple through Freese's masterful direction of her actors, a claustrophobic setting, and real time storytelling.
The analogue source material has signs of wear and tear that hopefully will not impede the enjoyment of the film.