Nae Caranfil's black comedy tells the story of the 35-year-old teacher and unsuccessful writer Ovidiu. He still lives with his parents and is a clear loser in post-Ceausescu Romania. When he falls in love with the toothpaste model Diana, he pretends to be a millionaire to win her over. He 'earns' the money for his act with petty scams. He can only afford such extravagance thanks to Pepe, a rather strange “godfather”. Mister Pepe, 60, a sreenwriter/songsmith for beggars, set up a foundation called Philanthropy that he uses as a cover for his scams. Intrigued by the vast possibilities of charity, he invents a high class, extremely lucrative sting involving Ovidiu. "A biting satire that entertains every step of the way" (Variety)
Comedy, Romance
1h 50min
This black comedy tells the story of 35-year-old teacher and unsuccessful writer Ovidiu, in post-Ceausescu Romania.
Nae Caranfil's black comedy tells the story of the 35-year-old teacher and unsuccessful writer Ovidiu. He still lives with his parents and is a clear loser in post-Ceausescu Romania.
When he falls in love with the toothpaste model Diana, he pretends to be a millionaire to win her over. He 'earns' the money for his act with petty scams. He can only afford such extravagance thanks to Pepe, a rather strange “godfather”. Mister Pepe, 60, a sreenwriter/songsmith for beggars, set up a foundation called Philanthropy that he uses as a cover for his scams. Intrigued by the vast possibilities of charity, he invents a high class, extremely lucrative sting involving Ovidiu.
"A biting satire that entertains every step of the way" (Variety)