A young woman painfully says Good Bye First Love as she and her partner mature and choose different life paths. But it’s a hard way. Fifteen-year-old Camille (Lola Créton, “Something In The Air”) is a serious, intensely focused girl who has fallen in love with college student Sullivan (Sebastian Urzendowsky, RADICAL EVIL). Sullivan basically reciprocates her feelings but wants to be free to explore the world. When he leaves her to travel through South America, she is devastated. But over the next eight years, Camille develops into a more fully formed woman, becoming a star architecture student and finding with her professor new love - and the possibility that she'll be less defenseless should Sullivan enter her life again.
Love & Sex, Drama
1h 45min
A young woman painfully says Good Bye First Love as she and her partner mature and choose different life paths. But it’s a hard way.
Fifteen-year-old Camille (Lola Créton, “Something In The Air”) is a serious, intensely focused girl who has fallen in love with college student Sullivan (Sebastian Urzendowsky, RADICAL EVIL). Sullivan basically reciprocates her feelings but wants to be free to explore the world. When he leaves her to travel through South America, she is devastated. But over the next eight years, Camille develops into a more fully formed woman, becoming a star architecture student and finding with her professor new love - and the possibility that she'll be less defenseless should Sullivan enter her life again.