JALANAN (‘Streetside’) tells the captivating story of Boni, Ho & Titi, three gifted street musicians in Jakarta over a tumultuous 5-year period in their own lives and that of Indonesia. The film follows the young marginalized musicians and their never before seen sub-culture, while also painting a striking, moody and intimate portrait of Indonesia’s frenzied capital city. Using the powerful soundtrack of the musicians’ original compositions to drive the film, it traces their elusive quest for identity and love in the day-to-day of a city overrun by the effects of globalization and corruption. "JALANAN is a poignant reminder of the glaring gap between rich and poor in South-East Asia’s largest economy." (The Economist) “Absolutely blown away by Daniel Ziv’s JALANAN. A vital, incredible piece of work. Deserves to be seen by everyone. Outstanding.” (Gareth Evans)
Independent, Music, Dance, Theater
1h 47min
The captivating story of three gifted street musicians in Jakarta over a tumultuous 5-year period in their own lives and that of Indonesia.
JALANAN (‘Streetside’) tells the captivating story of Boni, Ho & Titi, three gifted street musicians in Jakarta over a tumultuous 5-year period in their own lives and that of Indonesia.
The film follows the young marginalized musicians and their never before seen sub-culture, while also painting a striking, moody and intimate portrait of Indonesia’s frenzied capital city. Using the powerful soundtrack of the musicians’ original compositions to drive the film, it traces their elusive quest for identity and love in the day-to-day of a city overrun by the effects of globalization and corruption. "JALANAN is a poignant reminder of the glaring gap between rich and poor in South-East Asia’s largest economy." (The Economist)
“Absolutely blown away by Daniel Ziv’s JALANAN. A vital, incredible piece of work. Deserves to be seen by everyone. Outstanding.” (Gareth Evans)