The film follows the lives of three Roadies. 15 years they lived their dream of sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Now, at the end of their 30's, the desire for family gets bigger. The film follows the lives of three men over a 15 year period, living the dream of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Now, at the end of their 30's, their bodies are not quite what they were. Is the gap between a punk roadie lifestyle and the desire for a family growing bigger?
Music, Dance, Theater, Documentary
1h 20min
The film follows the lives of three Roadies. 15 years they lived their dream of sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Now, at the end of their 30's, the desire for family gets bigger.
The film follows the lives of three men over a 15 year period, living the dream of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Now, at the end of their 30's, their bodies are not quite what they were. Is the gap between a punk roadie lifestyle and the desire for a family growing bigger?