The frail old Shawky and the spirited young Doaa are both caught up in their own routines as their trip through the city evolves into a journey of self-discovery through which they reconnect with life. Sherif Elbendary, whose films have been officially selected at over 70 festivals worldwide and won more than a dozen prestigious awards, returns to the screen with his short film DRY HOT SUMMERS - sponsored by the Robert Bosch Foundation. "It would be no exaggeration to say that Har Gar Sayfan [DRY HOT SUMMERS] is the best Egyptian short film of recent years."(goethe. de - Goethe-Institut e. V.)
Comedy, Love & Sex
Two lonely people meet in opposing phases of life. On a busy summer day, they happen to be in the same taxi at the same time.
The frail old Shawky and the spirited young Doaa are both caught up in their own routines as their trip through the city evolves into a journey of self-discovery through which they reconnect with life.
Sherif Elbendary, whose films have been officially selected at over 70 festivals worldwide and won more than a dozen prestigious awards, returns to the screen with his short film DRY HOT SUMMERS - sponsored by the Robert Bosch Foundation.
"It would be no exaggeration to say that Har Gar Sayfan [DRY HOT SUMMERS] is the best Egyptian short film of recent years."(goethe. de - Goethe-Institut e. V.)