A tale of ordinary people in Eastern Germany set in the tumultuous times following the fall of the Berlin Wall. When Hannah wins a trip to Turkey, she meets the love of her life. After his big hit “You Are Not Alone” (also starring Thalbach), Bernd Böhlich tells another magical realist tale of ordinary people in Eastern Germany set in the tumultuous times following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Hanna (Thalbach) is a passionate woman who doesn't want much, but wants it all: to live life to the fullest. When the cosmetics factory she works for goes bankrupt, she takes some boxes of perfume with her and moves on to her next job and a tireless suitor, Knuti. When she wins a trip to Turkey, she meets the love of her life...
Drama, Love & Sex
1h 41min
12 FSK
A tale of ordinary people in Eastern Germany set in the tumultuous times following the fall of the Berlin Wall. When Hannah wins a trip to Turkey, she meets the love of her life.
After his big hit “You Are Not Alone” (also starring Thalbach), Bernd Böhlich tells another magical realist tale of ordinary people in Eastern Germany set in the tumultuous times following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Hanna (Thalbach) is a passionate woman who doesn't want much, but wants it all: to live life to the fullest. When the cosmetics factory she works for goes bankrupt, she takes some boxes of perfume with her and moves on to her next job and a tireless suitor, Knuti. When she wins a trip to Turkey, she meets the love of her life...