A provocative exploration of female sexuality, Juliette Binoche as Anne, a well-off Parisian journalist investigating the lives of two student prostitutes for a magazine article. What begins as a routine assignment, though, quickly turns personal, as Anne is drawn into the lives of these fiercely independent young women and forced to confront her own sexual fears and desires. “Powerful examination of what constitutes sexual freedom and constraint.” (Huffington Post) “Binoche gives a thoroughly detailed and committed performance.” (Guardian)
Drama, Love & Sex
1h 35min
16 FSK
A provocative exploration of female sexuality, Juliette Binoche as Anne, a well-off Parisian journalist investigating the lives of two student prostitutes for a magazine article.
What begins as a routine assignment, though, quickly turns personal, as Anne is drawn into the lives of these fiercely independent young women and forced to confront her own sexual fears and desires.
“Powerful examination of what constitutes sexual freedom and constraint.” (Huffington Post)
“Binoche gives a thoroughly detailed and committed performance.” (Guardian)