In this offbeat comedy, the young woman Solange enters a surreal dreamworld. After a mysterious man appears at her door, Solange's life begins to take strange turns and a doctor recruites people to keep an eye on her. One day, while Solange is staring at the dust on the floor, the doorbell rings. A deliveryman claims to have a package for her. Solange can' believe it - it's impossible. The deliveryman insists, and a big misunderstanding ensues. Solange collapses. When a doctor suggests that someone watch over Solange at night, her landlord devotes himself to the task.
Independent, Comedy
1h 7min
Solange lives a secluded life in her Paris apartment. When one day a delivery man rings at her door, her little world is torn apart.
In this offbeat comedy, the young woman Solange enters a surreal dreamworld. After a mysterious man appears at her door, Solange's life begins to take strange turns and a doctor recruites people to keep an eye on her.
One day, while Solange is staring at the dust on the floor, the doorbell rings. A deliveryman claims to have a package for her. Solange can' believe it - it's impossible. The deliveryman insists, and a big misunderstanding ensues. Solange collapses.
When a doctor suggests that someone watch over Solange at night, her landlord devotes himself to the task.